Parts & Procurement of parts

We’ve built a solid reputation in the power generation industry as a knowledgeable parts and service provider for gas turbines.

  • Support for heavy duty industrial and aero derivative manufactured by GE, Westinghouse, Pratt & Whitney and more
  • Extensive network of parts manufacturers
  • Combustion parts support for both older standard diffusion combustion systems and more recent low emission systems
  • Prepackaged consumable parts outage kits for GE frame units CI, HGP and majors delivered to site prior to your outage and picked up once your operational again

Nigeria Office

8-10, Adenubi Street,
Okata Isolo,
Lagos, Nigeria

US Office

One Reservoir Corporate Center
4 Research Drive, Suite 402,
Shelton, CT 06484
  + 1-888-980-5501
  + 1-877-712-5741

India Office

4th Floor Rectangle 1,
Commercial Complex D4, Saket,
New Delhi – 110017
  + 11-6654-4118
  (+91) 141 2974894

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